Thursday, January 08, 2009


*The cleverest & most pecious god
*god of roads,commerce,thievery,usher of dead in the netherworld
*a pallic god
*god of pillars with a head called Herms in front of Greek homes
*god of intelligence
*invented lyre, the pipes, the musical scale, astronomy, weights & measures, boxing, gymnastics, the care of olive tree
Soon after he was born, he killed a tortoise & created the lyre out of its shell. Then, he lulled his mother Maria to sleep & let him do whatever he liked.
Once,he came across a herd of cattles which belonged to Apollo.Hermes stole the herd & concealed them. Apollo searched for his herd alot. Apollo even posted a reward. Finally, he founded 2 of his cattles in Hermas's dwelling. As an infant, Hermes pretended sleeping. Therefore, Apollo decided to take the matter up top Zeus. First Zeus couldn't believe a baby had stolen a herd. But after Apollo's insistance,Hermes confessed & promised to deliver the rest of the herd. On the way, Hermes presented lyre to Apollo. Apollo was so pleased that exchanged the herd with the lyre Then, Apollo told him that he would teach divination to Hermes in exchange of the pipes, & helped Hermes to become a god.
Hermes presented himself to Zeus as a new god & promised not to steal or tell a lie.Zeus defined his duties as a gof of travel.Besides, he was the meesenger of the gods, so after Zeus, his name appears in more myths than other gods.


*god of light to ripen crops, destroy pests, heals illnesses
*his arrows caused plagues
*god of prophecy, had many oracles, the best oracular shrine is at Delphi
*sheperd god
*master of lyre & song
*god of colonies & builder
*he was a naked, beardless, young god
*he was often shown with a bow & quiver or a lyre
Hera had sent the serpent Python to pursue Apollo's mother,Leto, during her pregnancy. 4 days after Apollo's birth, he asked for a bow & arrows. Then, he killed it with his arrows. Next, Apollo had to purify himself by going into temporary exile in Thessaly.
On 2 occasions Apollo aroused the anger of his father, Zeus.First, Apollo helped Hera, Poseidon & other gods to dethrone Zeus.The gods captured Zeus & bound him to his couch. But nymph Thetis brought Briareus, the fifty-headed monster, to gaurd Zeus. Zeus hung Hera from her heels & sent Poseidon & Apollo to a year of servitude under King Laomedon. In return, Apollo sent plague to Laomedon's kingdom ,& Poseidon sent a sea-monster to ruin his land.
The other time was when Zeus killed Apollo's son,Asclepius. In revenge,Apollo killed Zeus's armorer, the Cyclopes. Therefore,Zeus sent Apollo to a year of servitude under King Admetus.
Apollo defeated Maryas & Pan in music contest, & became the master musician.
He was always after nymphs. Apollo seduced Phtia, Thalia, Coronis, Aria, Cyrene & nymph Dyrope. Marpessa eluded him. Nymph Daphne was changed into laurel tree before Apollo could rape her. When the Trojan princess Cassandra rejected him after he taught her divination, he cursed her in a way that people didn't believe her prophecies.
Both Apollo & Zephyrus-the west wind loved a handsome boy, Hyacinthus.Once when Apollo was instructing the guy in discus-throwing, Zephyrus got the disc & hurled it against Hyacinthus's head. Hyacinthus was killed. Hyacinth flower sprang up where his blood fell.

Friday, May 23, 2008

The American Indians

I have studied 3 lessons which were planned to demonstrate the American Indian’s characteristics & how people (the white one)judge them.Well,through all these 3 texts,I found out that the authors were extremely bias.The first one was thoroughly against them & it was crystal clear according to the tone of the text.On the other hand,the last 2 ones were for the American Indians.In addition,the authors admired them as civilized unity. As far as I’m concerned,I think that initially we should consider them as human-whether civilized or not.Then,we should respect them & see whether they pay it back or not.The information given in the texts are not reliable for they’ve written the texts based on their experience;therefore,I can’t judge ‘til I myself have the experience.Nevertheless,I do my best to be on the safe side when I come across one of them,but not in a way as if they’re another specimen.


I think I knew Mr Keihani intimately & thoroughly,& if I were asked to describe his characters,I’d like to initiate with his honesty.He was one-off & well-educated.His perspective towards life was almost positive;furthermore,he was always grateful to God for every thing such as his love,his daughter,his position & his reputation.
He was firmly determined.Whenever he wanted to do sth,nothing could stop him even barriers & obstacles.He never judged on the spot,for he believed that judging is one of the most demanding skills that those who are not perfect in should’nt intervene.Initially,he considered the issue thoroughly & then he went to details.Ultimately,he came across a conclusion which he was almost sure about his decision.To be honest,nothing would effect his judgment & lead him to be bias.
He was simply calm.When I sometimes found him in troubles & he was making up his mind calmly to overcome it,I thought that he was sitting like a cabbage.
He was deeply in love & his burning ambition was to provide a peaceful life for his family.He was respectful towards people-no matter what their status were.
His appearance was fine-always wearing a tie & ironed clothes.His method of management was my cup of tea.The perfume that he wore was perfect.when you smelled it,it was as if you’re in paradise.
His friends were level-headed & light-hearted,exactly like him.He was a good lecturer.I never found him to be lack of idea,for he was reslly in reading,watching News & recent movies.I reckon that he was greedy in knowing every thing.When he was 5,he was sent to England to educate there.He graduated at Cambridge University in Electronic.When he got his M.S ,he came back to his hometown.Although he was educated & knowledgeable,he decided to study English Literature at Allame Tabataee University.After getting his B.A,he started managing an English institute,teaching there,working in a very famous international company.Wholeheartedly he was a hard-working,gallant guy.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Thomas Jefferson

Political philosopher Thomas Jefferson was the third U.S. president. He is credited as the primary author of the Declaration of Independence and was the founder of what would become the modern-day Democratic Party.
Fast Facts:
Born: 1743 in Shadwell, Virginia
Wife: Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson
Died: July 4, 1826, at Monticello
1st U.S. Secretary of State
2nd U.S. Vice President
2nd Governor of Virginia
Founded the University of Virginia
Oversaw the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Henry David Thoreau

Henry David Thoreau(1817 - 1862)
Category: American Literature
Born: July 12, 1817Concord, Massachusetts, United States
Died: May 6, 1862Concord, Massachusetts, United States


*A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Riversnon-fiction
*Heart of Thoreau's Journalsby Henry David Thoreau, Odell Shepard (Editor)journals
*Henry David Thoreau : A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers / Walden; Or, Life in the Woods / The Maine Woods / Cape Codby Henry David Thoreau, Robert F. Sayre (Editor)anthology, non-fiction


*Henry David Thoreau: Collected Essays and Poemsby Elizabeth Hall Witherell anthology
*The Cambridge Companion to Henry David Thoreauby Joel Myerson (Editor)guide
*The Days of Henry Thoreauby Walter Harding biography
*The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail: A Playby Jerome Lawrence, Robert Edwin Lee drama

Friday, April 18, 2008

Stephen Crane

Stephen Crane (1871-1900)by Karen Bernardo

Stephen Crane has been called the first modern American writer, and there is good reason for that claim. Born in New Jersey six years after the Civil War, he was descended from a long line of pastors, but he rejected traditional Christianity very early in life. He was undoubtedly a disappointment to his parents on other grounds as well; although he attended Claverack College, the Hudson River Institute, Lafayette College, and Syracuse University, he never graduated from any of them. His fiction, which was distinctly different from anything being published at the time, was initially self-published, and he spent his entire life riddled by debt. Crane’s fiction is frequently considered an American example of the French literary school of naturalism, which holds, among other tenets, that human beings are fundamentally animals without free will. The name naturalism refers to this law of nature under which human beings are believed to operate; a naturalist writer explains man in terms of the hereditary or environmental forces that operate upon him, and disavows any significant effect of man’s will or ambition upon the outcomes of his life. Naturalism, in addition, holds that nothing is good or bad, right or wrong, moral or immoral, it just is. People are not good or evil, simply survivors or victims of the great forces that move them along like motes in the air or dead leaves in a stream. Thus, what will be will be, and there is little anyone can do.Despite this, there is no question that Crane had an enormous sympathy for the poor and downtrodden. This is reflected in novels such as Maggie, Girl of the Streets and one of the short stories discussed here, “The Men in the Storm.” He was also fascinated with the reactions of human beings battling for their lives against overwhelming forces of nature, and we see this illustrated in “The Open Boat.” But he is undoubtedly best known today for his novel The Red Badge of Courage, which powerfully debunked the idea of the glory of war.Crane died in Germany in 1900, desperately poor, his body ravaged by malaria and tuberculosis. He was only twenty-eight years old. Yet, given the fact that his published works were all produced in less than a decade, he left behind an astonishing number of stories and novels -- which deserve to be more widely read today.Would you like to read these works in their entirety?