Thursday, January 08, 2009


*The cleverest & most pecious god
*god of roads,commerce,thievery,usher of dead in the netherworld
*a pallic god
*god of pillars with a head called Herms in front of Greek homes
*god of intelligence
*invented lyre, the pipes, the musical scale, astronomy, weights & measures, boxing, gymnastics, the care of olive tree
Soon after he was born, he killed a tortoise & created the lyre out of its shell. Then, he lulled his mother Maria to sleep & let him do whatever he liked.
Once,he came across a herd of cattles which belonged to Apollo.Hermes stole the herd & concealed them. Apollo searched for his herd alot. Apollo even posted a reward. Finally, he founded 2 of his cattles in Hermas's dwelling. As an infant, Hermes pretended sleeping. Therefore, Apollo decided to take the matter up top Zeus. First Zeus couldn't believe a baby had stolen a herd. But after Apollo's insistance,Hermes confessed & promised to deliver the rest of the herd. On the way, Hermes presented lyre to Apollo. Apollo was so pleased that exchanged the herd with the lyre Then, Apollo told him that he would teach divination to Hermes in exchange of the pipes, & helped Hermes to become a god.
Hermes presented himself to Zeus as a new god & promised not to steal or tell a lie.Zeus defined his duties as a gof of travel.Besides, he was the meesenger of the gods, so after Zeus, his name appears in more myths than other gods.

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